
Venting TIme

So, the past isn't something you can just walk away from. no matter what it is one day you'll face it again. thats what i am doing know it is getting to be time to reincorporate past with the new. And so my journey begins.... it starts off with giving it to God trusting he will take care of me. and now begins i am taking one day at a time surrounding my self with those who love me and support me. thank you. if you are one of those people i may not say it enough, but thank you. i appreciate it more than I can express.
First semester is over and i couldn't be more thankful. I am almost done with this year. I hear back from my dream college in a few days... gosh i am anxious. im so excited. tuesday or wednesday needs to be here now! so thats the school news. lets talk about the <3 life. me and my awesome boyfriend have been dating for 4 months... it seems so much shorter. lol time flies. :P which i guess is a good thing. a lot better than the days dreading on day after day. haha he is a sweetheart. Girls take my advice.... don't jump fast and hard into a relationship lol get to know the guy first. it works better :) sorry for taking so long to post again.

        me. <3

hi I am bored...

hi hi hi hi hi 



[prom-is] noun, verb, -ised, -is·ing. - something that has the effect of an express assurance;indication of what may be expected.Pinky promise.... what are your thoughts? 


God can heal a broken heart, but He has to have all the pieces. 


Slow Fade

One of my favorite songs... 



So in English class today, we had to pick 5 words and define them, write the synonyms, and antonyms for them. We are going to write a paper on the words. But one word I picked which has been a challenge for me lately is Trust. Lets start with the definition of Trust. 

reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of aperson or thing; confidence.
confident expectation of something; hope.
confidence in the certainty of future payment for property orgoods received; credit: to sell merchandise on trust.
a person on whom or thing on which one relies: God is mytrust.
the condition of one to whom something has been entrusted.
the obligation or responsibility imposed on a person in whomconfidence or authority is placed: a position of trust.
charge, custody, or care: to leave valuables in someone'strust.
something committed or entrusted to one's care for use orsafekeeping, as an office, duty, or the like; responsibility;charge. 

And that is just the noun definition. As I read over these definitions one stands out. "reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of aperson or thing; confidence." This made me think. Reliance on the integrity. What's integrity? It is adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness ofmoral character; honesty. Honesty. I like that word. What happens though when there is not trust. People become sneaky, nosey, and soon it turns ugly. I have a friend. Every boy she has ever dated has cheated on her or left her for the "new" girl. How can someone who has been put in a state of vulnerability trust? She hears lines like, "I am different." "I won't hurt you." "I won't break your heart." Then she trusts them, she opens up and lets them in taking a chance. Thats what trust is, it is taking a chance. If you don't take the chance to trust people then you can't experience relationships. It is this huge some what entangled circle. One can not exist with out the other. 

More thoughts on trust later.... For now I am going to bed. 
Sincerely... Plain Jane.